[Histonet] new employer

Robyn Vazquez vazquezr <@t> ohsu.edu
Thu Sep 7 15:36:22 CDT 2006

It is unfortunate that your manager doesn't see the discrepancies between the manual and the way things are done.  Have you told your manager the differences and what they are telling you?  Your manager should back you and take some action (update manual).  Unfortunately, some managers I SAID SOME  :>) don't care as long as the tissue gets out and inspections are past.  I worked for a lab that I had two other co-workers harass, verbally abused (even to the supervisor), emotionally abused me and others and nothing was ever done.  It even went as far as the Medical Director and HR.  I felt my supervisor really let me down, I was the brunt of their abuse and she still did nothing to back me.  I got another job. and happy now!  Okay, I will stop, just venting.

Have wonderful weekend


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