[Histonet] Re: Fixation and Immunos

RSRICHMOND <@t> aol.com RSRICHMOND <@t> aol.com
Thu Nov 30 19:49:29 CST 2006

Kimberly Secrest HTL, QIHC at West Virginia University Hospital asks about >>
using alcohol/formalin combination fixatives [such as] Penn-fix has been 
brought up by pathologists and [pathologist's assistants], but there is also 
concern about the effects the fixative may have on immunostaining.<<

You'd be using a fixative like that mostly to find small lymph nodes in colon 
resection specimens and some other cancer resection specimens (not including 
breast, at least for my personal preference). You wouldn't being doing 
immunostains on such material anyway. If you need to do them in the future, you'll 
just have to try and see.

I prefer making up my own fixative (such as Davidson's fixative, which is 
three parts water, three parts alcohol, two parts strong [37%] formalin, one part 
glacial acetic acid) or using a commercial product called O-Fix.

Bob Richmond
Samurai Pathologist
Knoxville TN

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