[Histonet] HTL Comments

Dawson, Glen GDawson <@t> dynacaremilwaukee.com
Thu Nov 16 14:44:58 CST 2006


I have 2 techs that took the HTL in January of this year & many have asked for info/comments on the test so I'm turning over this email posting to them:

Katie Wertz & Melissa Cowman:

We studied Sheehan, Carson and the BOR study guide and they were fairly useless.  The vast majority of the test included IHC for Melissa and Plastics for Katie, as well as many management questions about training.  Out of the thousand questions from the HT and HTL portion of the BOR study guide, only a few actually applied to the questions found on the written.  The management questions were about safety situations in which a technician would need further training.  The pictures were small, grainy and in some cases unrecognizable.  The pictures (with the exception of one) did not come from either Sheehan or Carson.  Experience in the lab was a big help in answering many questions.  There were also hand drawn pictures of anatomical structures where you needed to identify specific parts.  We both had a drawing of the eye.  We both felt like crying at the end of the test, but we passed!

Hope this helps,
Melissa and Katie

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