[Histonet] FW: Something new - -Something Old.

David Finkelstein dfinkelstein <@t> mhri.edu.au
Fri Nov 10 17:58:44 CST 2006

From: David Finkelstein To: 'Jackie.O'Connor <@t> abbott.com'
Subject: Something new - -Something Old.

Hi Jackie
 "Can someone advise me the best way to preserve (Liguid nitrogen, OCT, 
fixed?)  and visualize tissues from animals which have been administered 
(in vivo) a fluorescent probe"  Strange question. Your  tissue does not
appear to be fixed.
For animal experiments the best is to paraformaldhye perfuse, then
cryoprotect with sucrose, snap freeze the blocks, nooct,  Cut and store the
sections at -80oc.  
Please find attached a references:

1.	Kha, H.T., D.I. Finkelstein, D.V. Pow, A.J. Lawrence, and M.K.
Horne, Study of projections from the entopeduncular nucleus to the thalamus
of the rat. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 2000. 426(3): p. 366-77. 
2.	Kha, H.T., D.I. Finkelstein, D. Tomas, J. Drago, D.V. Pow, and M.K.
Horne, Projections from the substantia nigra pars reticulata to the motor
thalamus of the rat: single axon reconstructions and immunohistochemical
study. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 2001. 440(1): p. 20-30.


Assoc. Professor David Finkelstein,
The Mental Health Research Institute of Victoria,
155 Oak Street, Parkville, Victoria 3052 
Mobile: 0409171227
Tel: +61 (03) 9388 1633 
Fax: +61 (03) 9387 5061
dfinkelstein <@t> mhri.edu.au

Message: 1
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2006 11:54:23 -0600
From: "Jackie M O'Connor" < >
Subject: Re: [Histonet] Something new - -I'm waiting 
To: histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu
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OK - so I read my own question and it doesn't make enough sense.    Maybe 
I can elaborate a bit - 

Is it possible to administer a fluorescent probe in vivo (Like GFP) 
visualize that probe in vivo, then harvest tissues and be able to see that 
probe in frozen sections using a fluorescent scope?

"Jackie M O'Connor" <Jackie.O'Connor <@t> abbott.com> 
Sent by: histonet-bounces <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu
11/10/2006 09:49 AM

histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu, 
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[Histonet] Something new

Can someone advise me the best way to preserve (Liguid nitrogen, OCT, 
fixed?)  and visualize tissues from animals which have been administered 
(in vivo) a fluorescent probe? 

Jackie O' on a crummy Friday morning fighting fires again as usual.
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