[Histonet] Mystery Fixative

Rene J Buesa rjbuesa <@t> yahoo.com
Fri Nov 10 14:41:09 CST 2006

  Perhaps she is referring to "Jores's fixative". There are 2 formulas, one from 1896 and the other from 1913
  The original one (1896) is as follows:
  Water -- 100 mL + 40% formaldehyde--10 mL + spdium sulfate -- 2g + magnesium sulfate -- 2g + sodium chloride -- 1 g
  Hope this will help you!
  René J.

"Dawson, Glen" <GDawson <@t> dynacaremilwaukee.com> wrote:

Our AP supervisor is looking for an older fixative that she used to use to revitalize staining on tissue that had been sitting in formalin for months. 

She seems to think it is called "Yori's, Youri's or Jori's" fixative and they used to make it on-site back in the day but the recipe has long since been lost.

Any Help Would be Greatly Appreciated,

Glen Dawson
IHC Manager
Milwaukee, WI

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