[Histonet] Something new - -I'm waiting

Jackie M O'Connor Jackie.O'Connor <@t> abbott.com
Fri Nov 10 11:54:23 CST 2006

OK - so I read my own question and it doesn't make enough sense.    Maybe 
I can elaborate a bit - 

Is it possible to administer a fluorescent probe in vivo (Like GFP) 
visualize that probe in vivo, then harvest tissues and be able to see that 
probe in frozen sections using a fluorescent scope?

"Jackie M O'Connor" <Jackie.O'Connor <@t> abbott.com> 
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11/10/2006 09:49 AM

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[Histonet] Something new

Can someone advise me the best way to preserve (Liguid nitrogen, OCT, 
fixed?)  and visualize tissues from animals which have been administered 
(in vivo) a fluorescent probe? 

Jackie O' on a crummy Friday morning fighting fires again as usual.
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