[Histonet] about methyl green pyronin stain for plasmacytoma...

ChoiUl Soo cytologer <@t> msn.com
Thu Nov 9 01:19:43 CST 2006

Hi histonetters,

I amwondering if anyone would tell me the limitations of methyl green pyronin for plasmacytoma. 
Though I am looking foolish, I think RNAs would increase in the cytoplasms of most actively proliferating  tumor cells, so I am curious is it possible to use this stain to differentiate plasmacytoma cells from other tumor cells based on the pyroninophilia of the cytoplasm. I remember reading somewhere this stain is non specific, but I could not find it....please help me, clarify me....on this subject

Thanks in advance, 

Ul Soo Choi
VMTH 208, CVM, Seoul National University, Shilim9 dong, Gwanakgu, 
Seoul, Korea 151-742
Tel. 82-02-880-8688 
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Fax. 82-02-880-8662
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