[Histonet] Gomori silver versus Warthin-Starry

Bobbi Pritt b_pritt <@t> yahoo.com
Mon Apr 17 20:19:36 CDT 2006

Could someone explain the difference between silver stains for fungi and those for spirochetes?  I've been told that silver-based fungal stains (such as GMS) do not significantly deposit silver onto the fungal elements, therefore, one can accurately measure their size using such a preparation.  On the other hand, I've been told that the silver stains for spirochetes (eg. Steiner, Warthin-Starry) are "deposition" stains, which make the organisms appear larger and therefore, more easily identifiable.  Presumably, you would not want to measure size of organisms using this stain.  Is all of this true, and can someone explain the differing mechanisms to me?
  Thank you, 
  Bobbi Pritt

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