[Histonet] Need 2 digital articles.

frederico azevedo fredericoacazevedo <@t> gmail.com
Thu Apr 13 10:20:45 CDT 2006

Hi Histonetters,

        I need desesperately to get two digital articles but I don´t have
access to those journals. I think it´s faster to ask you all than the
author. The articles are kind of old. Could someone please help me?

Title: The fuzzy logic of visuomotor control

Author: Prochazka A.

Journal:* *Can J Physiol Pharmacol 1996 Apr;74(4):456-62.

Title: Development of a fuzzy logic based system to monitor the electrical
responses of nerve fiber.

 Authors: al-Holou N, Joo DS.

Journal: Biomed Sci Instrum 1997;33:376-81.

Thank you very much!

Frederico A. C. Azevedo
Dept. of Anatomy - Neuroplasticity
UFRJ, Brasil

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