[Histonet] Dissolving Alizarin complexon

L.Driessen <@t> orthop.umcn.nl L.Driessen <@t> orthop.umcn.nl
Wed Sep 28 02:46:45 CDT 2005


Is there anyone who is familiar with dissolving alizarin complexon for bonelabeling? 
We inject this fluorochrome in our testanimals to monitor new boneformation. Because of that we need to sterilize the solution. For this we push the solution through a 0,2 um millipore-filter. The problem is that the filter gets clogged very fast. We've tried prefiltering through a paperfilter, but that doesn't solve the problem. Does anyone have a a solution for this?


Léon Driessen,
Orthopaedic Research Lab
UMCN St. Radboud, Nijmegen,
The Netherlands

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