[Histonet] PAS vs CAS

Cindy DuBois dpahisto <@t> yahoo.com
Tue Oct 18 12:46:27 CDT 2005

My lab manager recently read the article by Vinnie Della Speranza et. al. on fungus staining.  He wanted us to try the Chromic Acid Schiff's (CAS) procedure and compare it to our PAS procedure.
Although I get some staining with the CAS, only about half of the fungus is staining and it is very light.
  I used the following procedure:
1.  Clear & Hydrate slides (standard protocol).
2.  Incubate slides in 5% Chromic acid in water bath (temp approx. 42C) for 10minutes.
          Solution was pre-heated for 10 minutes.
3.  Rinse and incubate in Schiff's solution for 10 minutes.
4.  Rinse in hot water.
 (Our tap water has a lot of sulfur in it and therefore we do not normally  do the sulfuric acid rinse).
5.  Counterstain in Working Light Green, dehydrate and coverslip.
If any one is using this procedure for their fungus stain would you please send me your procedure?
Cindy DuBois, HT ASCP
Integrated Pathology Associates 
Stockton CA

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