[Histonet] NBF or paraformaldehyde

Pixley, Sarah (pixleysk) PIXLEYSK <@t> UCMAIL.UC.EDU
Wed Nov 30 10:39:26 CST 2005

Dear Histonet:
I should probably know this, but I don't, so I am asking. What is the
difference between using neutral buffered formalin and paraformaldehyde?
Does one give better morphology or better recovery of antigens for
immunostaining? I am a researcher, not a histotech, and I have always
used para. However, with all this talk of NBF, I am wondering why. I
believe that I have been told at one time or another that the
crosslinking is better with para, but since I am always doing
immunostaining, I don't want strong crosslinking.

I apologize if this is a totally "you should know" question. If there
are websites describing this, I would appreciate getting them, because
that will save me some time looking them up.
Thanks, this is a great listserve!

Sarah Pixley
Univ. of Cincinnati

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