[Histonet] formic acid decal

Monfils, Paul PMonfils <@t> Lifespan.org
Mon Jun 20 17:53:03 CDT 2005

You might want to consider adding phloroglucinol (1,3,5-Trihydroxybenzene)
to your decalcifying solution while increasing the concentration of acid.
This compound, for reasons not fully understood, seems to protect the
morphology of tissue during extended exposure to strong acids. I have read
that tissues can be decalcified in 40% nitric acid when 2 to 4%
phloroglucinol is added. I haven't tried this. However, for rapid
decalcification I use the following solution, which works well for me:

distilled water        750 ml
formic acid            150 ml
hydrochloric acid   100 ml
phloroglucinol         20 gm 

The phloroglucinol is a dry powder which takes about 10 minutes to dissolve
on a stirrer.

	Paul M.

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