[Histonet] Vender help please, Looking for EG2,

LaCinda Burchell ljb <@t> medicine.wisc.edu
Mon Jun 20 17:53:03 CDT 2005

Good Morning Netters,
  Those of us involved in allergy or asthma studies are very interested in eosinophils, as are folks in many other lines of inflammatory research.  About five years ago I was able to buy my best eo ab called EG2.  It came from a Swedish company called Pharmacia-Upjohn.  I have another eo marker that's OK, but I'd love to get EG2 back again.  I bet I've made a dozen phone calls and, here's what I've been told.  Pharmacia-Upjohn was sold at least in part to Monsanto, who then sold it to Amersham Biosciences, who then sold it in some form to GE Healthcare.  Along the way the company was fractured into various sub-companies each of whom kept one part or another of the original company and it's products.  No person along the way has been able to give me any leads in finding EG2.  If any other detective out there has snooped it out I would be ever so grateful!!!   Thank You!!!!

LaCinda Burchell, BA, AS, HT(ASCP)
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Medical School
Asthma and Allergy Research IHC Lab
600 Highland Ave.  CSC  K4/913
Madison, Wisconsin  53792

Phone: 608-262-3518
FAX:     608-263-3746

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