[Histonet] Quick question---Maybe a long answer

Jennifer Sipes jengirl1014 <@t> yahoo.com
Fri Apr 22 12:32:38 CDT 2005

I have a PI that wishes to get cryosections from a biopsy he did.  However, he freezed the tissue at -80C and then came to me with how to fix it, embed it, and section it.  Have the following questions:

   Can this be done?
   What is the best way to do this?  I've only done it from live tissue, not frozen.

Please list any and all chemicals that you use and the place that you get them from.  Thank you in advance and I appreciate every answer that I get.

Jennifer K. Sipes, RALAT
Sr. Laboratory Technician
Johns Hopkins University
Ross 929
720 Rutland Avenue
Baltimore, MD  21205
phone:  410-614-0131
cell:     443-413-0853
e-mail:  jengirl1014 <@t> yahoo.com

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