[Histonet] Re: Tissue Micro Arrayer

Histo Jock histojock <@t> hotmail.com
Mon Apr 11 17:41:48 CDT 2005

Hi Charlene,

I assume that you ordered a Beecher MTA-II? If so you should expect a wait. 
Beecher's orders for that model are running months ahead of production. I 
understand that it's been a very popular machine. If you ask them nicely 
they will send you an MTA-I to use until your MTA-II is ready or you can 
just change the order to an MTA-I. For most labs the MTA-I is more than you 
need anyway. Beecher normally has long wait times for everything they make.

Beecher is the only source for tissue arrayers as they own all of the 
patents on them. Chemicon makes an arrayer by licensing a design from 
Beecher but as noted already it is both inferior to and hugely more 
expensive than the Beecher models ($60K!!! Chemicon vs. $10-20k Beecher). 
Nobody who really knows tissue arrays buys the Chemicon. I've never heard 
anybody speak highly of it.


>Hi Folks,
>Does  anyone  know  of  another  vendor  that  makes the tissue micro
>arrayer other  than  Beecher  Instrument.  I  placed  an  order  with 
>Instrument in November, 2004 and they are telling us that it will still be 
>months  before  it will be shipped. At this point I'm willing to look for
>another vendor.
>Charlene Henry HT (ASCP), QIHC

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