[Histonet] RE: IHC cartoon 3-step StrepHRP

C.M. van der Loos c.m.vanderloos <@t> amc.uva.nl
Thu May 27 05:06:56 CDT 2004

Dear Rob,
Separately I send you a cartoon of a 3-step indirect StrepHRP technique. It's a PowerPoint file that also contains a step-by-step animation.
Have fun with it!

Chris van der Loos, PhD
Dept. of Pathology
Academic Medical Center
Amsterdam - The Netherlands

----- Original Message ----- 
>From  Rob Komorowski <komo <@t> bu.edu> 
Date  Wed, 26 May 2004 12:02:16 -0400 
To  <histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu> 
Subject  [Histonet] Anyone know of a good cartoon showing a basic immuno protocol? 
Hi all,
     I'm trying to find a good step by step cartoon showing a primary
antibody linking up with an antigen, a biotinylated secondary antibody, a
strepHRP step, and a DAB reaction. I know...sounds specific...but anything
close would be helpful for teaching. Thanks!

Rob K

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