[Histonet] Breast processing

Bliss, Mary E. mary.bliss <@t> northwestpathology.com
Mon May 10 15:18:43 CDT 2004

Hi All, 


How do other laboratorians  prepare fatty breast specimens for
histology?  Are you doing anything special?  We had a case today which
our doctor needs to have re-processed.  It appears unfixed, although it
sat in formalin on the processor over the weekend before it processed on
Sunday night.   The sections are large (too large in my opinion) and not
adequately removed of fat. We are using toluene on our processors and
have considered going to Xylene.  We have tried Penn fixx in the past,
but discontinued using it years ago.  I know it is a complicated
subject, but just thought I would see if anyone has any bits of wisdom. 



Mary E. Bliss

Lead Histologist

Northwest Pathology, P.S.

3614 Meridian St. Suite 100

Bellingham, WA 98225

(360)734-2800 x601

(360)734-3818 FAX



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