[Histonet] Cryostorage -> how to prevent desiccation ?

Helen Fedor hfedor <@t> jhmi.edu
Wed Jun 9 12:56:12 CDT 2004

Dear Ivo,
We have had tissues stored at -80 and in liquid nitrogen for over 15 years with no desiccation problems.
The tissues are put into Nunc vials ( I am sure you can use cryovials just as effectively)
and submersed in liquid nitrogen (hold under until frozen).
They then can be put into -80 or liquid nitrogen and stored indefinitely. As long as they are never thawed they look the same as if you cut them the same day they were harvested.


Helen L. Fedor B.S.
Johns Hopkins University
Pathology Department
600 N Wolfe St
Marburg Room 406
Baltimore MD 21287
email: hfedor <@t> jhmi.edu
Phone: 410 614-1660
Pager: 410 283-3419

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>>> <knibbelmann <@t> web.de> 06/09/04 01:48PM >>>

I want to do tissue long term storage in a -80°C Freezer or in Liquid Nitrogen (vapor phase)
and worry about the DESICCATION problem. 
I read that wrapping tissues in foil or putting them in bags can prevent desiccation, but am not sure about this topic in general an have no experience and no reliable publications.

I would prefer to use only *one* storage-container (e.g. cryovial) to simplify my storage logistics,
therefore avoiding any ziplock bags would be nice.

These are my questions:

1. Get tissues desiccated if they are OCT-embedded or only if they are (snap) frozen "naked" ?
2. What about sealing the cryotubes with parafilm or adhesive tape to prevent desiccation ? Can this work in the real cold cold world ?
3. Any there any recommended cryovial-types or supplies you would prefer ?
4. Are the any publications I can rely on regarding desiccation and longterm storage aspects ?
5. Is desiccation the same phenomenon for histology as "freezer burn" for food ?

Thanks in Advance,

Ivo Schmidt
Molecular Biologist
Berlin / Germany
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