[Histonet] PAS with and without Diastase for glycogen

FreidaC <@t> aol.com FreidaC <@t> aol.com
Fri Jan 16 08:20:40 CST 2004


Many livers do not contain a lot of glycogen - especially autopsy livers, 
because few are well nourished and have a lot of stored glycogen at the time of 
death.  A better control in my opinion is a section of cervix containing both 
endo- and ecto- cervix.  The stratified squamous epithelium of the ectocervix 
contains glycogen which will disappear with diastase digestion, while the 
mucous glands in the endocervix do not contain glycogen, but rather mucin that will 
be positive with the PAS.  This will not disappear with diastase digestion.  
This is also easier control tissue to find in most institutions.

Freida Carson

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