[Histonet] health and safety guidelines

Judy Trogadis TrogadisJ <@t> smh.toronto.on.ca
Thu Feb 26 15:59:45 CST 2004

Dear Histonetters

I have recently been asked to help implement and monitor stricter
health and safety guidelines in cell/molecular biology research
laboratories that have been, well, sort of casual about these matters in
the past. Are there any published rules & regulations that most labs
follow? I searched past Histonet archives and found one posting that 
mentioned "CAP guidelines". What are these and does anyone know any web
sites where I could find more information?

Thank you

Judy Trogadis
Bio-Imaging Coordinator
St. Michael's Hospital, 7Queen
30 Bond St.
Toronto, ON M5B 1W8
ph:  416-864-6060  x6337
pager: 416-685-9219
fax: 416-864-6043
trogadisj <@t> smh.toronto.on.ca

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