[Histonet] Flk1,Tal1,Runx and Lmo2 antibodies

Marshall Terry Dr, Consultant Histopathologist Terry.Marshall <@t> rothgen.nhs.uk
Wed Feb 11 10:15:02 CST 2004

Requests like this, for things I've never heard of, help keep me humble:-)

Dr Terry L Marshall, B.A.(Law), M.B.,Ch.B.,F.R.C.Path
 Consultant Pathologist
 Rotherham General Hospital
 South Yorkshire
        terry.marshall <@t> rothgen.nhs.uk

-----Original Message-----
From: m. van mkempen [mailto:m.vankempen <@t> erasmusmc.nl]
Sent: 11 February 2004 16:10
To: Histonetlist
Subject: [Histonet] Flk1,Tal1,Runx and Lmo2 antibodies


I am looking for companies that have antibodies against Flk1,Tal1,Runx
and Lmo2. Does anybody know were I can find them?
Thanks for all your help.
Kind Regards!

*- mkempen -*
MAILTO:m.vankempen <@t> erasmusmc.nl

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