[Histonet] a lot of stuff HELP OUT THERE!!

Jesus Ellin JEllin <@t> yumaregional.org
Tue Apr 6 07:36:11 CDT 2004

Hello everyone thought that I would ask for some help here,, Currently our lab is getting a hugh over haul on everthing and I need to find out some information well were do I begin,  
First off our lab went live with Tamtron this past year and it has been different to say the least, but one of the ideas we are pondering is using the image module to caputre gross instead of gross dictation, only on small bx that do not require anything other than transfering it to the cassette and snapping a picture. Was wondering if anyone out there is doing this and also if they do have Tamtron how do they like the imaging module.

The next item we are looking at is this processor that can process tissue in 1 hr and is any one out there doing this? This is a huge step, since we are part of the traditional way of processing over night and doing the embedding the next day. SO if anyone is attempting this please feel free to give me input.

The last thing that our lab is going to under take is allow tech that are not certified and do not have 60 hrs of college to do gross,the standard is set forth in NACCLS that a person must have a minimal amount of education to do this.  But our pathologist called the CAP and said that they can do transfer of specimens that can give color, size, dimension.  This is were the idea of photographing specimens came amout. 

ANY help would greatly be appreciated.

Jesus Ellin HTL
Yuma Regional Medical Center

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