[Histonet] standard for H&E staining and special stains

Morken, Tim - Labvision tpmorken <@t> labvision.com
Fri Aug 29 16:56:31 CDT 2003

Sharon, there used to be a CAP comparison survey that had a workload
standard that assigned minutes to each procedure. However, it became so
complicated in trying to account for everything that it became unworkable.
It is not used officially anymore, but some labs may use the old numbers. I
think you will be better off to set your own workload times - they vary so
much between labs that others times won't necessarily mean anything unless
they detail exactly how each procedure is done.

Tim Morken

-----Original Message-----
From: Sharon McLaughlin [mailto:shar <@t> u.washington.edu] 
Sent: Friday, August 29, 2003 2:39 PM
To: histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu
Subject: [Histonet] standard for H&E staining and special stains

Is there a standard list out there for how many minutes it takes to do an
H&E stain and also the special staining?

We are trying to get a standard set up for our lab for billing purposes
and for work load credits.

Also is there a list of what stains go into which grouping?  I know there
is a grouping with 1 through 5.

We also need to know a standard for cutting blocks.  How many minutes it
should take for cutting.

Thanks for your input.

Sharon McLaughlin

Harborview Medical Center


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